A sustainable income for farmers
and nutritious, affordable food for everyone.

Make it happen with us

The resilience of our food system is at stake.

How can we guarantee that coming generations retain access to affordable quality food? Tackling the inter-related challenges of food insecurity, climate change, biodiversity loss and economic inequality requires collective action.

We join forces with smallholder farmer organisations, companies, authorities and other food system actors. We create innovative ways of accessing, trading, distributing and producing nutritious, quality food. We ensure the sustainability of our actions by developing solid and inclusive business relationships, so that no one is left behind.

We change the recipe of our food system through three global programmes

A food systems recipe to cultivate resilience.

Resilience is key for future-proof food systems. For Rikolto, the 3 main ingredients in this recipe for resilient food systems are: sustainable food production, inclusive markets and an enabling environment. In our Annual Report 2023, we showcase highlights and lessons learnt revolving around these three ingredients, from our three global programmes.

Browse our 2023 Annual Report
A woman voicing her opinion in a cooperative meeting

Stories from the ground

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